It is inevitable that stumbling blocks will come, but woe to the one through whom they come! It is better to have a millstone tied around his neck and to be thrown into the sea than to cause one of these little ones to stumble. I (Luke 17:2)
I just heard the news that Jeff Younger has lost custody of his two boys. Do you know the story? You should. It reveals much about us as a society.
In the Reader’s Digest condensed version of this story, a two-year-old boy named James chooses to get a Happy Meal designed for girls and is then plunged into a 7-year battle between a mother who has decided that her little boy should be a girl and a father who is desperately trying to rescue his child from this insanity.
To get the full details of this story, I urge you to go to Somethingburger Podcast (anywhere you find your podcasts) and listen to “Does Jeff Younger have a son or a daughter?”
It would be enough of a tragedy if we were simply dealing with one insane mother, but the delusion is much greater. It involves an entire community of people-- teachers, counselors, lawyers, judges, case workers-- all pushing this 9-year-old boy to “transition” into being a girl.
Transitioning not only includes affirmation in the form of name changes, pronoun usage, manners of dress and other socialization efforts but also includes the use of puberty-blocking medications. These are often followed with the use of cross-sex hormones and eventually surgery.
The Christian Medical and Dental Association reports that the puberty blocking hormones inhibit normal growth and fertility, while the cross-sex hormones administered during adolescents are associated with an increased risk of high blood pressure, blood clots, stroke, and some forms of cancer. (1)
Anyone with half a brain cell knows that it is impossible to turn a boy into a girl or vice versa, Our sexual makeup is not skin deep. It is built into our chemistry, our brains, our molecules-- literally every aspect of our biology. God made it impossible to erase our sex. It is the primary purpose of who we are as human beings-- to go forth and multiply. However, man has found a way to spurn God’s primary command as we chemically and surgically disable the reproductive capacity of our children.
Ryan Anderson, president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, authored a book critical of the transgender movement, When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment.(This book was banned from sale on Amazon in February this year.)
“Gender affirmation’ procedures violate sound medical ethics. These procedures are entirely experimental. There is not a single long-term prospective study of the long-term consequences of blocking an otherwise physically healthy child from undergoing normal pubertal development,” Anderson said. (2)
According to a Swedish study, those who have sex-reassignment surgeries have a 19-fold risk of completing suicide.(3)
Suicide is another effective tool of Satan for destroying the human race. He is never at a loss for creative ideas.
I think all of us who know our Bibles can safely say that we are living in prophetic times. There are numerous signs of prophecy being fulfilled in our day, not the least of which is the re-establishment of the state of Israel in her historical homeland and the unprecedented return of the Jewish people to this promised land. I rejoice as I see these prophecies being fulfilled.
Unfortunately, we all know that as we get closer to the return of our Messiah, other not-so-pleasant events must also occur. It seems as though prophecy is unfolding through our daily news at alarming speeds. But before that glorious day that God sends His Son, He sends something else-- something very dark that we are seeing manifest in our day.
The coming of the lawless one is according to the workings of Satan with all power, signs and lying wonders. And with all unrighteous deception among those who perish because they did not receive the love of truth that they might be saved. And for this reason, God will send a strong delusion that they should believe the lie that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. (2Thessalonians 2: 9-12)
There are many things that people are being deceived about today, but I’m not sure any deception is more destructive than the one that erases the pattern of one man and one woman as established in the garden. The man and the woman are the essence of human life. Without one of each, human life ceases to exist. What greater deception could there be than one where we chemically, physically and emotionally disable our race from procreating? This IS the end game of the Satanic gender transition agenda. And it is not enough that confused and unstable adults are encouraged to this end, now we must coerce our young children down this path of ensured destruction and death.
The delusion is strong and quite contagious. The millstone that these adults in James Younger’s life are fashioning around their necks is growing heavier by the day.

(1)Christian Medical and Dental Association. “CMDA Position Statement on Transgender Identification”. Adopted April 21, 2016. Retrieved from on 6/6/2019.
Excellent warning to us all. Be prepared. Pray psalm 91 daily.